Tuesday 22 July 2008

Rachel North was never on the bombed July 7 carriage? London

Welcome to the new blog. I look at new media stories making headway in the blogosphere.

Check my links on a daily basis.

I'll start with an incredible story about a revelation on a well known bomb survivor and broadcaster, Rachel North, whose story about being bombed on July the 7th 2005 turns out to be a scam!

Find the details and revelations at


As it turns out, the campaigner whose notoriety is not short of a best seller has been hiding a lot of secret journal and finance activity.

Compare the revelations against her latest article in the Independent Newspaper.

Rachel writes for the Independant, the Guardian and the Sunday Times at rapidly accelerating intervals.

Best articles

Rachel North cheating July 7th victims

Rachel North cheating the Richard and Judy show

Miracle, deceived, or Walter Mitty?

Bloggers are outraged that she continues blogging and broadcasting on a daily basis. Find more at SCAMBUSTERS.

Tube scammer magistrate complains his way to conviction